Different Types Of Shrimps

When we talk about shrimps, there so many of them that should be mentioned. Some can well adjust and can breed very well in shrimp aquarium and some can not survive in a captive environment. However, most of them can survive fairly with minimal care. Lets discuss about different types of shrimps today in this article.

Red Cherry Shrimps

Let’s start with Red Cherry Shrimps, as you can guess by the name, they are red in colour. However, the colour red doesn’t get noticeable unless the shrimps get comfortable with the new surroundings. The female shrimps are darker in colour than male shrimps. They can stand very well with change in water temperatures.

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The Bee Shrimps

The name of Bee Shrimps is named after their stripes on the outer shell of them that is as like as the stripes of a bee. They love to eat fish food and algae. It is too easy if you want to breed shrimps. The only thing to be cautious about is water temperatures.

The Tiger Shrimp

They are named after the jagged stripes on them like a tiger. They also eat fish food and alae too. You must keep this tiger shrimps away from other shrimps if you want to breed only tiger shrimps as they also cross breed.

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The Green Shrimps

The one thing that Green Shrimps cannot stand with is hard water. They are from Indian Dwarf family and their colour doesn’t stay same when they are not healthy. So, when you find out the green colour is changing, make sure you investigate what’s wrong and what is disturbing them.

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Snowball Shrimps

Snowball shrimps are most interesting out of all as you can see eggs through their body which look like snowballs.

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Malaya Shrimps

They can thrive in ordinary tap water and can breed in variety of water temperatures. Most interesting thing about them is the colour changing property of them. They are found in Japan mostly.

Vampire Shrimps

The scientific name is Atya Gabonesis. They are rarest of all shrimps.

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The Yellow Nose Shrimps

They are transparent in nature and have long nose.

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Before you breed any Shrimp in your aquarium, make sure your study about the temperature requirements and the environment best suitable for their breeding. Check out the link to learn more about shrimp hatchery feeds.

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