Always Ensure Proper Fish Feed

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The most common and basic question about fish culture is about the fish feed and mineral mixture by the beginners in this field. These questions might be basic and common but are very important for fish growth. The amount of fish feed and the type of fish feed have direct relationship with a good healthy fish. However, the amount of feed and how often a fish eats totally depends upon their preferences and their nature. Where a herbivorous fish will need to feed throughout a day to fulfil its minerals and nutritional requirements, carnivorous fish will eat less frequently. Omnivorous fish have a lot of options when it comes to suitable fish feeds for them.

So, what you can choose as fish feed?

First thing you must know is the nature of the fish, if its herbivores, carnivores or omnivores? However, if you are keeping a variety of fishes in your aquarium, getting them a combination of plant and meat-based fish feed is always a good idea to keep all the fishes in your aquarium happy. There is another important tip for the fish feed related to the size of fish feed, the size of the feed must be as similar to the size of their mouth. Large predator fish will not eat feed that’s too small in size and the uneaten food will only pollute the water quickly.

The amount of fish feed

The ammonia and nitrite levels increase very quickly when there is uneaten food in an aquarium, which is not a good thing for fishes and so it is always preferred to underfeed. According to experts it is recommended to feed only the amount of feed that can be finished within 2-3 minutes. Another thing to be considered about fish nature is if they are surface feeders or bottom feeders. Some fishes are shy and only eat food once it drifts into their safe zones.

Scheduling fish feed and mineral mixture

Most commonly feeding is done twice a day and that is even sufficient. However, we have also seen people skipping fish feeds one or twice a week to allow fishes to clear their digestive systems. Where a large fish can have longer time between their feeds, a small fish has fast metabolism and need feed throughout a day but in small quantities.

The most ideal timing for fish feed is early in the morning and at the evening except the herbivores and small fishes which feeds throughout a day. Another thing important with feeding is to turn on aquarium lights half an hour before feeding in the morning and keeping lights for the same time after evening meals.

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Long healthy lives, vibrant colors, resistance to diseases and good growth only depends on good quality and right quantity of fish feed and mineral mixtures.

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